Nova Atlantis Foundation
Nova Atlantis Foundation ( is a research institute, based on Pico island, at the Azores. By conducting scientific research, the foundation aims to contribute to the conservation of the cetaceans of the Azores and their habitat.
Have a look at Donatello the pilot whale that is our record holder in terms of deployment time of a satellite tag: on 5 January he reached 180 days almost 6 months!
During the first five months he seemed totally resident around Madeira but in the last month he started moving- to the Canary islands displaying a totally different movement profile.
That reminds us that findings based on short deployments have limited value unless you have a sufficient number of deployments. We deployed 4 other satellite tags on pilot whales in cooperation with Filipe Alves and Marc Fernandez from MARE Madeira this summer and they already had tagged 16 pilot whales before that. So we are hopeful that this combination will produce some meaningful insights into pilot whales’ dsitribution patterns in Macaronesia.
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We were invited to rewrite the Chapter on Risso’s dolphins for the Handbook of Marine Mammals, Volume 1: Coastal Dolphins and Porpoises, edited by T. A. Jefferson and the book is out!
Hartman, KL., Chen, I; Hodgins, N; Ames, A. and P. van der Harst 2024. Risso’s dolphin, Grampus griseus, Cuvier 1812, Ch7 in Handbook of Marine Mammals (Vol 1: Coastal Dolphins and Porpoises, ed. Jefferson TA). Elsevier Inc. Pp 267-265.
The Handbook of Marine Mammals, Volume 1 offers a comprehensive, standard reference work on marine dolphins and porpoises, their anatomy, distribution, ecology, and behaviour. The volume consists of species review chapters written by leading global experts on a variety of dolphins and porpoises. Each chapter includes a description of the species followed by sections on distribution and abundance, anatomy, physiology, behaviour, ecology, reproduction, parasites, diseases, and the impacts of human activities on the species.
• Provides in-depth reviews of Risso’s, bottlenose and other coastal dolphins, as well as the closely related porpoises.
• Addresses the evolution, anatomy, ecology, distribution, and behaviour of these marine mammal species.
• Features numerous photos of live and specimen animals, skulls, and anatomical details, along with distribution maps.
To learn more visit:
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Great pub! Downloaded just yesterday! <3
Merry Christmas!
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